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VSM (VIA Site Management) is an advanced software management platform that enables an administrator to deploy, manage, configure, and monitor all connected VIA devices from one central location. VSM is compatible with all VIA device models. Kramer’s new VIA 4.0 is all about the end user. The new...
WersjaVersion 4.2 Ważność subskrypcji3yrs
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PNTR_ Setup_Service_1time
Quickly and automatically build, configure and manage the entire audio-visual environment, remotely or on-site, reducing time and required resources.
Ważność subskrypcji1 Time MarkaKramer
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PNTR_ POC _Service_1time
Ważność subskrypcji1 Time MarkaKramer
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VSM (VIA Site Management) is an advanced software management platform that enables an administrator to deploy, manage, configure, and monitor all connected VIA devices from one central location. VSM is compatible with all VIA device models. Kramer’s new VIA 4.0 is all about the end user. The new...
WersjaVersion 4.2 Ważność subskrypcji3yrs
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PNTR_ SessionMang _Standard_1Y
Integrating two award-winning products (VIA and Quick Launch), the session manager enables IT/AV managers to set and design unified meetings/classroom Welcome screens with the right content and links that best fit their organization standards. It empowers end-users to easily initiate and run...
Ważność subskrypcji1yr MarkaKramer
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VSM (VIA Site Management) is an advanced software management platform that enables an administrator to deploy, manage, configure, and monitor all connected VIA devices from one central location. VSM is compatible with all VIA device models. Kramer’s new VIA 4.0 is all about the end user. The new...
WersjaVersion 4.2 Ważność subskrypcji5yrs
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Track, monitor, and report on the health status of your audio-visual environments and spaces, to increase uptime and utilization of your spaces and devices regardless of vendor.
Ważność subskrypcji1yr MarkaKramer
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